My Bootcamp experience so far

Ogedengbe Babatunde
1 min readMay 16, 2019


The First day of the Bootcamp is called onboarding. During this session, I learned about the growth mindset and its benefits. With a Growth Mindset, I believe that my intelligence, talents, and abilities can be developed through persistence, effort, and hard work.

The Learning facilitator (Habeeb) encouraged us to exhibit good learning behaviors by:

  • accepting and embracing challenges
  • seeking and listening to feedback
  • persevering with difficult tasks
  • practicing and using strategies to improve
  • asking questions to drive learning forward
  • taking risks and trying new things

Meeting the Learning Facilitator Assistance (Afeez Awoyemi)

After the first phase of the onboarding session, we were distributed into groups and assigned to our various LFAs. It was then that I met my LFA.

My LFA(Afeez Awoyemi)said my UI design is good, However, he mentioned that there are some shortfalls in the design which I needed to correct. He made the assessment open for discussion and displayed a high level of knowledge in UI design. I agreed with all his feedback and i wrote them one after the other.

Challenge 2 feedback was inspiring. My LFA indicated that I did not follow the DRY (Do not Repeat Yourself) principle and he also noticed that I had code duplication in some part of my code. He identified untested branches and adviced me to make corrections.

