Ogedengbe Babatunde
2 min readSep 26, 2018


In preparation for the Andela Bootcamp cycle 36, I encountered some tools which I found very interesting. Over the past few years, web development has grown tremendously. Tools abound in the open source library for developers to leverage on and use them to deliver a high-quality software product.

I aspire to be a world-class software developer and, I would stop at nothing to achieve my goal, even if it is not convenient.

Javascript Web Technology

Javascript is a programming language used for web development.

I found vanilla Javascript very interesting for web development. So much of the landscape of modern web development is a culmination of the great Libraries. While Frameworks eliminate choice paralysis and imposter syndrome, they can be too magical and hide too much behind layers of abstraction.

Most web application we have today is written in Javascript language. Even some popular front-end framework like React, uses vanilla javascript behind the scene.

Javascript offers new ways of writing a computer program with the release of ES8 in 2017.

For instance with “object. values()” I can access all values of an object without compilation.


Babel enables the use of all the new features that standard versions brings today, without sacrificing backward compatibility for older browsers. It also has first class support for dozens of different build & and test systems which make integration with toolchain very simple.

ES6 introduces async and await feature which has proven to very be a very useful tool especially when the program involves getting information from the database.

The async function is coroutine that allows to work with Promises by using javascript language syntax and allow to implement nonlinear control flow in javascript. Currently, async control flow in javascript can be expressed with several features: event, callback, streams and promises, and soon with an async generator.

Thank you.

